Are traditional to-do lists dead?

We've been a fan of "to-do" lists for years. In fact, 42% of business leaders say they use to-do lists to get more done. Unfortunately, they're not perfect.
1. "Overwhelm" from too many tasks
2. Easy to forget items if they're not done immediately
3. Lack of built-in prioritization
4. Big tasks can be vague (or not broken down enough)
5. No connection with larger goals
6. No system for delegation
7. No built-in time allocation
And while these hurdles make to-do lists challenging for everyone, our coaching with ADHD clients shows that to-do lists simply don't work for them. In our quest to solve this problem, we're been testing various AI-tools to manage our "things." We've been happily surprised by the ease of adding tasks (from a desktop or while on-the-go from our phones), re-scheduling missed tasks, prioritizing future tasks, and delegating tasks/projects to team members.
Some of the most popular apps are:
1. Microsoft To-Do + Copilot
2. Notion
3. ClickUp
4. Motion
Currently, our favorite app is Motion, but this category of apps is sure to explode over the coming months.
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